With its complete reproductive insurance, Juniper has filled a huge void in the market for health insurance—a vital area that traditional health plans frequently ignore.
Genesis Global introduced a novel approach to mechanize bank procedures aimed at mitigating credit risk in lending and financing enterprises.
According to a recently released International Monetary Fund (IMF) report, cyberattacks have cost financial services organizations $12 billion in losses over the past 20 years.
Recent product announcements suggest that the insurance sector is shifting its focus to the dangers associated with digital assets and cryptocurrencies.
According to a story from Business News Wales, the Thomas Carroll Group, an independent insurance, risk, and WealthTech group, has named renowned insurance broker David Whittaker as its Chief Operating Officer (COO).
A consultation paper has been released by the International Organization of Securities Commissions (Iosco) to investigate the risks related to the changing business models of stock exchanges and other market infrastructures.
One of the earliest companies in the FinTech space, NEXT Insurance focuses on providing small businesses with all-inclusive, digitally-first insurance products. With its Palo Alto headquarters and sophisticated technologies, NEXT Insurance, which was founded in 2016, has completely changed the small business insurance market.
In order to expand the market for parametric risk transfer, Moody's RMSTM, the industry leader in global catastrophe risk modeling and solutions, today announced a new partnership with cutting-edge reinsurance brokerage firm Augment Risk.
Leading insurance company Dina Försäkringar has announced a collaboration with two well-known InsurTech companies.
Bishop Street Underwriters, a prominent company in RedBird Capital Partners' portfolio, has formally launched a ground-breaking joint venture with one of the top privately held reinsurers, Topsail Reinsurance SPC, Ltd. (Topsail Re).
Juniper leads the way in innovative insurance coverage for reproductive health.
April 12, 2024Finastra introduces a small business DFA 1071 compliance data gathering module.
April 12, 2024