September 20, 2024

Fearing 'unrealistic' rapid payment deadlines, EU banks

According to previously released statistics, a third of EU banks do not already...

March 28, 2024
1Min Read
MPE 2024: How is AI being used in payments by retailers?

Chairwoman Anna Maj moderated the "Next-Generation Technologies for Merchant Pay...

March 13, 2024
5Min Reads
February 2024's top 5 payment stories you missed

Fintech had some growth in February, so you could have missed some of the major...

March 02, 2024
2Min Reads
European Council Announces Regulations for Instant Payments, With An Eye Towards the EU Single Market for Capital

New laws have been approved by the European Council to allow businesses and cons...

February 29, 2024
3Min Reads
Arthur Ventures provides $10.5 million to Montreal's Zūm Rails to grow open banking.

Zūm Rails, a Montreal-based startup leading the way in fusing fast payments and...

February 24, 2024
1Min Read
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