September 20, 2024

FloQast raises $100 million.

FloQast, a supplier of Finance and Accounting Operations Platform designed by ac...

April 11, 2024
4Min Reads
A domain-specific short language model for finance, accounting, and procurement is introduced by Auditoria.AI.

theaters.The latest updates to AI's ERP-centric cognitive automation platform, w...

April 10, 2024
4Min Reads
How ByAllAccounts is enabling data providers, wealth management companies, and wealthtechs to integrate their data infrastructure

Data is the foundation of wealth management, but businesses are finding it diffi...

April 06, 2024
7Min Reads
Abrigo, a risk management expert, purchases TPG Software for investment accounting technology.

Abrigo, a provider of loan solutions, compliance, and credit risk solutions, wil...

March 29, 2024
1Min Read
WorldFirst Uses World Account As A Novel Approach To Address UK SME Trade Issues

SMEs may encounter management difficulties in organizing and making sure all of...

March 28, 2024
3Min Reads
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