
Visa Introduces A New Service for Managing Subscriptions

The massive payments company Visa introduces its new Subscription Manager tool, allowing users to track and manage their subscriptions in one location.

By Travon Stracke | April 05, 2024 | 0 Comments

US retailers and Visa and Mastercard announce historic agreement to reduce swipe costs.

Credit interchange charges will be reduced and capped for the next five years as part of a historic agreement that Mastercard and Visa negotiated with US retailers.

By Travon Stracke | March 29, 2024 | 0 Comments

American Express Introduces "Plan It," Allowing Credit Cardholders to Make Payments Over Time

The international financial services provider and bank holding firm American Express has introduced "Plan It," a new BNPL-like product for the UK market that allows credit cardholders to pay off goods on their statement or a portion of their monthly bill, in installments.

By Tyree Schoen | February 29, 2024 | 0 Comments