September 20, 2024

Human interaction in the AI age

The other day, as I was waiting for a flight, I overheard someone say, "We need...

April 02, 2024
3Min Reads
Is the modern bank card a phone charging cable?

Like a lot of people, I can't live without my phone for communications, podcasts...

March 29, 2024
4Min Reads
60 years of cloud banking

Cloud computing is again quite popular outside of generative AI.

March 23, 2024
4Min Reads
Is using your money to communicate the next paradigm for user experience?

I talked about how the history of banking has not kept up with the development o...

March 16, 2024
5Min Reads
Napier AI CEO Greg Watson discusses the company's goals after a £45 million investment.

RegTech Napier AI, a London-based company, has closed a £45 million capital inje...

March 13, 2024
4Min Reads
Finnovex North Africa 2024: Creating Cairo's Financial Future

In less than a week, Finnovex North Africa 2024 will open its doors, bringing to...

March 02, 2024
1Min Read
Future Financial Compliance: Getting Ready for AI Regulation Shifts

The eight actions that CCOs should do right away to get ready for AI regulation...

February 21, 2024
2Min Reads
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